Student Safety

CEWA > Learning & Wellbeing > Psychology, Safety and Wellbeing > Student Safety

It is the right of every child and young person to feel and be safe.

Catholic Education Western Australia is committed to strengthening the practice of child protection in Catholic schools.

All staff in our schools have a responsibility to care for children and to promote their safety and wellbeing, in line with the Child Protection Procedures for Catholic Schools in Western Australia.

We are guided by our Child Safe Framework, based on the latest research and best practices to support a child safe culture, along with the inherent dignity of children and young people, and their fundamental right to be respected, nurtured and safeguarded by all.

Sustained by faith and in pursuit of our mission, we remain focused on continuous improvement and the review of our legal, policy and procedural requirements for staff, parents, volunteers and school communities.

Further information

The Child Safe Framework

Creating engaging, safe and supportive learning environments

Executive Directive

Student Safety Wellbeing and Behaviour


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